Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Fam...

Our Christmas card this year...If you didn't receive one it's because Tyler spilled some sort of liquid on all the addressed envelopes (without cards in them) and they were destroyed and sealed shut. If you would like one, I would be happy to send one out.

I won a local Christmas card contest with this card!! A brand spankin' new Canon Powershot is all mine, baby.

It was so much fun watching the kids open their gifts this year. Tyler was a package opening fool. He opened everything. Even if they didn't have his name on it.

Jackson had 2 teeth pop through in the last couple of days. One on the top and one on the bottom. He's also been doing a lot of yelling. "Tyler!!!!" or "Gabe!!!" Obviously he's picking up on who the trouble makers are in this house.

Drew is really missing school and his friends. He can't quite understand why he hasn't gone in awhile and is sure the other kids and teachers are there without him. We drove by the other day to prove to him he wasn't missing out.

I haven't seen my girls...Kate and Andi (and Connie too) In quite awhile. Hopefully we will get together soon. They are living it up in Tahoe over the holidays...lucky girls. I'm sure they are having a blast.


Well, Christmas was interesting this year. All the boys in my house had the stomach flu. Including my husband and my brother, Josh who was home from Texas. My step-dad Steve ended up getting the sickies as well.

All in all, it was nice to spend time together, even though a lot of it was spent catching puke.

Things have slowed down like they always do around the holidays. Most my time the last couple of weeks was spent taking and editing pictures.

I did some head shots for my girl, Debra, of her son Joe. We had to make the deadline for the yearbook for a picture and will do the rest when the weather gets a little nicer.

My good friend Kris was married early in December. The day was fantastic! She looked beautiful and the groom, handsome. I was unsure about how it would go. I was the maid of honor and did a lot of the photography as well, so, things were busy. I must say it was so intimate and romantic. One of the best weddings I've been to. We had a blast.

I photographed a three month old named Kane. He was tired, but being a great sport. After I left the shoot, I rear-ended a Fed Ex truck (because of slick roads not crappy driving). Good times.

I also had the opportunity to take some photos of the Miller family. I used to work with Danielle (the cute blonde) at City Revealed Magazine. Her son, Elijah found out he had cancer around Thanksgiving and after his first round of cemo is in remission. What great news!!! I had to wear a mask when shooting the pics since I had been around sick kids. I think it made it easier for eveyone to smile because I looked so silly.

Then there was the Vander Horn's. We spent the morning laughing at Jacob being a silly goof. Quite the character. What a cutie.

Have a Happy New year everyone!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Down on the farm

We drove up to my Mom and Step Dad's place on Friday, spent the night and played the next day. The boys think it's the best. We explored in the barn and checked out all the different sheds and buildings on Steve's property.

This shot was taken on the front steps of the cabin he is building in the woods. Steve's almost done except for the field stone fireplace that's close to being completed. It's beautiful.

The pond is frozen already, but that didn't stop Drew from asking if we could go fishing. It was freezing cold but we still went for a spin on the Mule. We also stopped at a neighboring farm to check out the turkeys, sheep, chickens and ducks.

Good Times.


I had the opportunity to photograph my buddy Noah the day after Thanksgiving. Getting lost on the way there was a bummer, but he had a million goofy faces for me to take pictures of which made the morning quite fun.

Also on here is a picture of a couple, Joyce and Clair, who I photographed a couple of weeks ago at their new acreage near Swisher. The weather was harsh, but what a breathtaking view.

If you can't tell I love black and white pics!!

The boys have some booger issues right now. We're fighting off colds in our house. But nothing new there. Otherwise just plugging away at work and gearing up for my friend Kris' wedding this weekend. I'm sure it's going to be great.